
Resilience is your ability to bounce back after adversity, stress or challenges in your life. Resilience allows you to cope with stress in whatever form, and it allows you to keep going and problem-solve in spite of the negative effects of stress.

Try these tools to build your resilience skills:


Resilience is Contagious

The easiest way to build resilience is to surround yourself with resilient people.
Create a support network for yourself, and practice asking for advice and being open to the feedback they provide.


Identify your Greater Purpose

When you have an established sense of purpose in life, it makes rebounding from obstacles much easier.
Then, when challenges arise, you can see how bouncing back is necessary to stay on track towards your goals..



Practice Adaptibility and Flexibility

When challenges arise, practice reframing your negative emotions into constructive plans to solve your own problems.
If you start thinking negatively, stop, acknowledge the emotion, and then replace it with something constructive.